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1 tagok

mohamadaldrajy65 TEAM

Átlag ÉLŐ: 1500

Verseny pontok: 0

Csoportvezető:  mohamadaldrajy65

Legjobb játékosok

  1.  mohamadaldrajy65 (1500)

Új tagok

My name is muhammad . Iam 25 year old. Iam from iraq .I love chess very much.My goal in creating this team is to meet people and make friends. I hope you will join my team

Fórum (1)

  1. mohamadaldrajy65 forum  Lichess

    Welcome to the mohamadaldrajy65 forum! Only members of the team can post here, but everybody can read.

mohamadaldrajy65 Fórum »